Monday, 8 June 2009

A few snippets of news.

Blog is much neglected, so here are a couple of "growing up" snippets:
  • The cot is now in the loft. After a few changes of mind (Cot? Bed? Cot? Bed?) Ainsworth has settled in a bed and we've packed the cot away.
  • Big. Boy. Pants. Yes, things have started. And not led by us at all. We'd picked up a few pairs of pants a while ago, and occasionally after tea and before bath Ainsworth would have "no nappy time" or "big boy pants time". Last week he asked for big boy pants at bed time, so he had a pair over his nappy. And then the next morning he didn't want to put a nappy on, so unexpectedly we were launched into the world of potty training. And you know what? He's doing an absolutely marvellous job. This is day five.

So there you have it. I do hope to reinstate the photos that were on here, but haven't decided the best way to go about it yet. Maybe one day...