Sunday, 8 July 2007

Photos and News

Well, after re-arranging all the existing photos earlier in the week, I've finally managed to upload some new ones. Why not take a peek?

Unfortunately news here is not especially good at the moment: we thought we'd got rid of it, but Rachael's Mastitis is back. I guess it never really went away. A trip to the out-of-hours GP service at the hospital has given us a second course of antibiotics (different ones this time) and she's feeling really sore and rotten. And has said that once the infection clears this time, she'll be stopping breastfeeding. Can't say I blame her.

She's made it over four months though, which I understand is way more than the average. And anyway, it's about time I was able to do night feeds.


Anonymous said...

Give Rachael the best from all the blogging community.

Trevor Coultart said...

Thanks, whoever you are!