Thursday, 6 September 2007

Orange Stuff

It's official - my mum loves the colour orange! She wears orange clothes, she bought me an orange Bugaboo and now she's giving me orange stuff to eat!

Apparently it's called 'carrot' and I had it three days in a row. It was quite tasty, but I think the banana I had yesterday and today was even better - it was certainly stickier :o) And tonight daddy is roasting me sweet potato for tomorrow's snack (isn't that orange as well?!).

Well, I have to say I'm enjoying the new food regime. Mummy even lets me drink some of her water now - and I've been eyeing that up for months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ainsworth! We haven't met before, but my mummy knows your daddy a bit. I live in Canada. We have carrots here, too. I like them. I also eat other orange foods, like butternut squash and yams. I think that all orange foods are delicious! Have you tried any green foods? My mummy lets me have something called "broccoli", only she mixes it with something white called "mashed potatoes" because she thinks it tastes better that way. You know, I think I agree?

I am glad that you like carrots, too! My mummy is not sure that she likes cleaning up carrots off the floor, my face, or out of my diapers, but TOO BAD FOR HER!


From, BB (my mummy goes by delphi)