Saturday 29 December 2007

More new tricks

And what a gorgeous little boy we do have! I always known all parents are proud of their children, but words cannot describe the loveliness of that feeling as I gaze in wonderment at our offspring. He is truely awesome...

It's a good job he's so adorable during the day, because, as previously documented, nights have not been easy. Then when tooth number one appeared on Friday 14 December, I felt surprisingly relieved - maybe teething was the issue that had unsettled our sleep pattern, and it wasn't just that I was a useless parent. Then tooth number two appeared on Monday 17 December and we had a few better nights. He did give us the Christmas present we asked for - a whole night's sleep on 24 December :o) Alas, last night I committed a cardinal sin (in some peoples' eyes) and brought him into our bed because I couldn't face getting up and down any more :o( The thought of returning it work in less than two weeks time, with nights as broken as they are right now is fairly daunting. But I'm trying not to dwell on this issue (partly in the hope that it will go away and partly in the hope that positive thinking will work).

He is crawling much more efficiently now and on 23 December he went from crawling to sitting up all on his own - so clever! He is beginning to want to spoon feed himself - this is clearly going to be a very messy affair. He is having little 'tantrums' - head falls forward and bottom lip comes right out - when he is diverted from doing something he wants to do. I actually find this quite cute and I will have to be very careful not to openly laugh when he does it! And, yes, he did a poo in his potty this morning - not that we will shout about that too loudly as we're aware we're only at the start of what could be a two year journey.

He has spent a lot of today pulling himself up on the sofa, toy box and television unit and standing (very wobbly) trying to reach things. The energy he must be expending surely means he will sleep well tonight... I am watching him now, entertain himself beautifully at his toy box. He turns objects in his hands so precisely, presses buttons so deftly and makes connections between objects and ideas all the time - he is truely awesome!

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