Thursday 17 May 2007


Another week, another lack of posting here. Time flies, you see: it flies.

Our perfect boy continues to be perfect in every way. He is, as I am keen to tell everyone, the best baby there has ever been. Sleeping's going fine now : we've had a few more nights of five or even six hours, and even when he does wake he - usually - settles fairly quietly down again. (What's the betting that he'll be a rascal tonight now that I've typed that?) He's now moved into his cot; the moses basket seems to have mysteriously shrunk somewhat and does seem happier with the extra space around him. Our room is a wee bit cramped with the cot, but it's working well so far. Having read Three in a Bed I started out really keen on the idea of bedsharing. Rachael, who wasn't so keen before Ainsworth was born, surprised herself by really liking having him in the bed with us, but I soon became keen to move him into his own space, and the moses basket (thanks Matt and Debbie!) was fantastic, until it shrank. We've gone for a clever hybrid of bedsharing and separate beds: I assembled the cot with only three sides, made sure the mattress was the same height as ours, and we have it flush with our bed, so he's in his own little annexe. So far, so good.

There is much more to say: I've not mentioned eating, travelling, growing, playing, laughing, crying and much more about Ainsworth, and have yet to even think about blogging about my emotions - which is after all the supposed reason behind this blog. But it is late and I must go and join the family upstairs. Until next time...

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