Mum and Dad keep on taking me out in the car and I try to enjoy it, really I do. They do take me to some lovely places after all. But there's something about being strapped into that seat that I really can't get on with.
They do try to help, bless 'em. They sing to me, massage my tummy, let me suck their fingers, all sorts. Daddy even tried blowing on me once, which quietened me down for a while, but only because I was so bemused by it. But once I've decided I'm not happy in there there really isn't anything they can do to calm me down except stop and give me a proper cuddle.
I don't suppose anyone reads this, but if there is anyone out there who has any ideas about how I could get used to my car seat I'd love to hear about them.
PS: Daddy's just put some more photos on my website. They do like to point that camera at me.
PPS: Have you met my friend Milo? He's one cool guy!
My daughter Kirsten hated her carseat at first as well. I dreaded putting her in it she fussed so much and would cry.
I think time is the only cure for it. Eventually she got used to it. Then when she started focusing on objects we put some toys facing her so she had something to look at.
Ainsworth is a beautiful baby.
Hey, thanks for the shout out, little man!
I've never had much of a problem with the carseat, although when I was at my tiniest I was certainly more comfortable and more likely to drift of to sleep with an added roll-thingy around my head. I don't know what it's called, but I'll ask my mom to email you with it.
Hi, A - My mom found the links to the things that make you feel cozier in the car seat. This one is the one I had: , but this one looks much cooler: ( .
Of course, the other option is that you could just give your parents a break and go along for the ride. You have to pick your battles, my man, and there will be plenty of things they will do with you that you will hate much, much more than riding in the carseat. Trust me. I don't want to scare you, but there will be shots, and getting scrubbed down just at the moment you are playing your hardest and don't want to be interrupted, and having to be nice to people that smell funny, and so on. In comparison, a little strap and buckle across your chest is nothing.
Take it easy,
Thanks Man. That second one sure does look cosy! Dad's been looking and can't find it on sale over here (not even on eBay!) but he's seen something pretty similar so he's promised to get me one so I can give it a go. But last night I tried really hard and managed a half hour trip without complaining at all.
Thanks for the warnings - I'll have to keep an eye out for those smelly people!
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