Thursday 31 May 2007

Missed Milestones

My MA research was clearly just an excuse for not writing anything else as I haven't exactly recorded much since finishing it!

I continue to marvel at this little bundle of joy who is so dependent upon us for everything. I spend much of my time wondering what to do next with him when he is awake, and gazing adoringly at him when he is asleep. I hope I'm providing enough stimulus for him. We haven't had much on this week and he seems so much more content around other children than when he is just with me - hey ho!

Anyway, he is asleep at the moment and I thought I really should record some of those 'oooh' and 'aahhh' moments that have slipped by unrecorded and will be easily forgotten. Such milestones as the first time he smiled when I put him under the baby gym - almost in recognition of the fun to come! Then there was the first bath, first sniffy nose, first happy nappy change, first big smile, first time he really seemed to look at and enjoy a book, first holiday, first time I managed to distract him from crying by chatting to him and making silly noises, first massage class, and first noise that really sounded like speech rather than cry. Some of these things have been recorded in film or photo, of course, but you can't capture the emotion of such moments. My heart lifts with each new day as he now gives the biggest smile and chuckle of recognition when he wakes up in the morning.

And this week we have seen a new hand 'gesture' - he is quite definitely gripping both fists and raising them straight out in front of his face, almost like one of his baby massage moves! Oh how I delight in his every move!

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