Monday, 1 October 2007

Poorly boy

The weekend was brilliant. Ainsworth was a superstar, guests enjoyed themselves, a great time was had by all. But there's not time to report the details now, so I'll save that until later (unless Rachael beats me too it).

But after the excitement of the weekend, Ainsworth is a bit poorly today. Rachael and I have both had colds in the last week or so, and he's resisted until now, but today he's been coughing and sniffly and not been able to settle for most of the day. Virtually no solid food has passed his lips, and come bedtime he would hardly even take his milk. One thing that has passed his lips is his first ever dose of Calpol. (At thirty weeks and a day, I don't think we've done too badly!) He eventually went to sleep and has been pretty settled for a couple of hours, but I'm not holding out much hope for a very peaceful night.

We're just very glad it didn't develop yesterday when we were busy to entertaining a hundred guests!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope Ainsworth start feeling better soon. Glad to hear your party was such a success.