Saturday, 6 December 2008

More video

...and here are a couple more...

Tidying up time: a well trained boy.

Like Father... 

Thursday, 4 December 2008


Originally uploaded by Trevor Coultart
There's so much to say about what Ainsworth is getting up to these days. Here's a wee video of a litle game he invented at Nanna's the other week. More to follow!

Thursday, 27 November 2008

We were right about at least one thing!

When we were choosing a pushchair for Ainsworth, we really only had two main criteria: it had to lay completely flat for when he was tiny and it must be able to be used so that he would be facing us when he was in it. The problem with the latter choice is it simply ruled out all the cheaper options - only the most expensive models had a rear-facing capability. But we were adamant, so we spent the extra.

And now we see we've been proven right! Research published last week has indicated that babies who spend time in rear-facing pushchairs are happier and less prone to stress.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Proud Mummy-Moments!

If I'm not inspired to write something here today, then I never will be!  Someone asked if they could share a 'proud Mummy moment' with me the other week and I thought then what a lovely turn of phrase it was - and I want to share such a moment with all the world right now...

Ainsworth peeled and ate a clementine all on his own this evening!!  Now, this may not seem like much, but he has not liked citrus fruit so far and the route to eating clementines has been slow.  It started a couple of weeks ago with him licking a segment of mine, pulling a funny face then giving it back to me.  He did this every day for a few days then he progressed to biting into it, pulling an even funnier face and giving it back!  He ate a whole segment about a week ago, but did not want anymore.  Today we bought another bag of clementines and he had a segment of mine, then asked for more.  He watched me peel him one then ate it all, and asked for more!  So I got him another one from the bowl and before I could peel it he had taken it out of my hands and started peeling it himself... Trevor and I both watched in amazement, expecting it to become a soggy mess and in need of rescuing if any of it was to be edible, but no!  He peeled the whole thing and ate it all - then signed finished, just for good measure!  How amazed were we?!

At bath time he really made me smile when he took off his trousers, socks, shirt (once Trevor had undone the buttons) and vest (once Trevor had helped him take his arms out of the sleeves).  And I was astonished to see him lay himself down on the mat because Daddy had spotted poo in his nappy and wanted to clean him up before getting in the bath!  And miracle, of miracles, he  told me when it was time for me to clean his teeth and he lay back on my lap to let me do it - astonishing, given the agro we've had some nights!

And then at bedtime I watched him do a new puzzle from the Toy Library and carefully put all the pieces back in the bag.  When it came to putting the base board away, it wouldn't fit in easily, so he took all the pieces back out, put the base board in and then loaded the pieces back into the bag before carefully zipping it closed - amazing!

Children really are fantastic :o)

Monday, 17 November 2008

All his own work.

All my own work
Originally uploaded by Trevor Coultart
Today Ainsworth surprised us by building this track without any assistance from either of us. He surprises us most days at the moment. It's amazing.

Friday, 14 November 2008


Just looked back at the last post. I seem to have forgotten to mention that he's also saying "No". We're hearing that one a bit too often for my liking!

Friday, 31 October 2008

Words, words, words!

People often ask if Ainsworth is talking yet. And I've said for a long time yes! He's been talking for ages. But I know what they really mean is is he using any words yet. Well, yes, he's been using a few more and more lately, and the other night Rachael sat down and made list. this is what we can remember hearing so far (in no particular order): 

Bobo (the monkey in Hug)
Poo (which sounds like boo but usually comes with pointing at his bottom)
Uh, oh! 
Oh dear!
Brrr! (I think this counts as a word. Must remember it next time I'm playing scrabble!)
Bye Bye

As well as saying words, he's still signing, and the amazing thing is he'll still occasionally surprise us by using a sign he's never used before. He signed "orange bus" the other day. He's done "bus" a lot but orange was completely new to us. 

There is so much more I could say. Maybe next time!

(I wonder if it's possible to set up some kind of template that automatically starts every post with "oh my goodness it's been far too long since I've put anything on here"? It would save me the bother of saying so every time.)

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Cookery and bubbles

What was that about posting more regularly? Ah, well. Here's a couple of recent short video clips...

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Where have we been?

Last post 1st July? Oh dear. So much has been happening, but we've been rubbish at updating things here. It's not as if I never get online, either; if anything I spend far too much time online, mostly on Facebook these days but that's another story.

Ainsworth has grown up so much over the summer. His walking has developed into running and climbing (and comical attempts at jumping, so far unsuccessful) and his talking remains beautiful. So very very expressive and flowing, full of passion and feeling. Once he actually starts using some words we recognise there'll be no stopping him. We're constantly amazed to watch him learning new skills. He seems to have an incredible perseverance and will sit for a long time trying to work out how to, say, unscrew the lid of a toothpaste tube, or fit that awkward piece into a puzzle. He's developed a love for books, and will often choose some from his book basket and bring then to us to read, or simply take himself off on his own and sit studying them intently. (Recent favourites: We're going on a Bear Hunt, Dear Zoo, Dog, and the very beautiful Hug.)

Well, enough glowing for now. I'll be back soon, but in the meantime here's my favourite recent picture. There are plently more on Flickr.

A new view

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

A new hat

I often wave bye-bye to Daddy when he's on his way to work, and although he looks a bit funny in his special hat I have to own up to a touch of jealousy. Sometimes I've tried it on when he's not wearing it. But it falls off.

So today I got a big surprise when Daddy took my to a special shop where they had lots of hats just like his, and a kind man helped us to find one that fits me perfectly. And it's such a funky colour, too!
Much better than Daddy's. I enjoyed trying it on in the shop so much that Daddy let me keep it on until we got back to the car.

My new hat

But then things just got better. There was a special seat that Daddy had shown me before in the garage, but today it was attached to his bike and I was allowed to sit in it - wearing my fantastic hat - and we went for a little ride
together. It was such fun! Daddy was being very careful (I'm sure I've seen him go faster than we did today) and, as I enjoyed it so much, he says we can go on a longer ride tomorrow: all the way to Sing and Sign! (As long as this lovely weather sticks around.)

Sunday, 29 June 2008

"Where's daddy's tummy?"

Oh dear - once again it's been far too long between posts. I have a couple of things in mind to write about, too, but time keeps running away with me somehow. (Spending too long reading other people's blogs and not enough time thinking about this one!)

For now, here's a fun moment caught on video by no less a filmmaker than my very own mother. Well filmed, Mum!

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Singing, Signing, Sliding and Sand

Now there's a tongue twister title for those of you who can talk!

I just thought I should report that my singing is really improving and it is great for getting off to sleep. I particularly like it a Music Train when we do the loud stuff - I'm really good at that. I do sometimes do the quiet stuff, but only at home with Mummy and Daddy. The instruments at Music Train are great too. Recently we've had these long tubes to bash on the floor and hit together - they make a great noise!

I'm still working hard at copying Mummy and Daddy's words and sometimes they get very excited when I mimic them quite accurately, but best of all is signing! It really works! The other day daddy was having a cup of tea but it wasn't his normal mug, which has pictures of birds on it. I had to let him know he'd made a mistake, so pointed at the mug and signed "bird" and "where" repeatedly until he'd understood. And yesterday I added 'hippo' to my repertoire. Perhaps not quite as useful as 'more', 'eat', 'drink', 'thank you' or 'finished', but Daddy was very impressed all the same. Other people have started to notice my signs too and that makes Mummy feel very proud.

Careful with the sand...

Finally, I wanted to tell you about my new sand tray (which sometimes has water in it too!). We bought it from a big shop with lots of toys in, but it was the absolute best thing there. And the lady from the shop had to help us get it into the car because it was so big! Mummy really likes the fact that it has a big umbrella over it to keep the sun off me, Daddy really likes squashing the sand into funny shapes, and I really like tipping the sand from one section into the other. Daddy taught me how to scoop it up carefully and pour it out accurately, so now I am expert at it. And all my friends love to play in it when they come to visit! I should also add that I have now successfully mastered going up and down my slide on my own, so the garden is just the bet place to play at the moment.

Not so careful with the water!


It has been a little while since we mentioned the dreaded subject of sleep, but at last we have good things to report! The boy sleeps well! I did read more of the 'No cry sleep solution' and tweeked his bedtime routine as a result. This sometimes involves him actually going into his cot awake and 'singing' himslef to sleep, or he puts his teddy (Honey) into the cot and falls asleep on his bottle as before. Either way, he is going down at 6.30 and sleeping through until 5.30'ish with only one or two wakes that need our assistance. And this has been the case for about a month now! Added to this, he is sleeping a good one and a half to two hours in the morning, which is great for getting stuff (like school work) done.

What a champ!

Friday, 13 June 2008

The Cycle of Life

Every day I look at Ainsworth and marvel at the miracle of life. He amuses me, frustrates me, exhausts me, leaves me feeling guilty, perplexed and amazed. I love to discover something new that makes him laugh and watch him discover something new in ordinary everyday things. (Today he spent half an hour climbing up and down the hill at the back of our house and another twenty minutes putting stones from the road into the recycling box!)

Reflecting on our little bundle of life has added another dimension to my grief over the tragic loss of my brother five years ago and my Dad two and a half years ago. I'm struggling to articulate how his life has put a different perspective on their deaths, but it has. In some respects it has intensified my grief - they would both have loved Ainsworth so much and I would have loved to see him with them. The fact that this will never be so pains me to the core. And yet, in another way, his life coming after their deaths was very restorative for my soul. It was proof-positive of the the never ending cycle of life, and that was strangely reassuring.

I'd like to think (perhaps somewhat naively) that Dad and Dan have some concept of what is going on in our lives and are enjoying Ainsworth from afar. Dan was always on at us to have children because he believed it was the best thing he'd ever done - and I know where he was coming from now!

Saturday, 7 June 2008

What's in a name? Part 2

Some months ago I wrote about how we chose Ainsworth's names.

Before choosing Ainsworth I asked my brother how people had responded to his son's name, which is also unusual, and he said that the response had been "almost universally positive". Well, looking back over the last 15 months or so I'm pleased to report the same. The "oh, wow" that we hear when people first hear the name is a positive one. People tend to like it, and it's been described as very English and very refined. They often ask if it's a family name (it is, but we're not aware of it having been used as a first name before).

A few folk have taken to shortening it to Ains or Ainsy, which doesn't surprise me, and almost inevitably there have been a couple of people who've thought it was Ainsley. One or two call him AJ, which we said we'd use but in fact don't often. What do we call him day to day? We call him Ainsworth.

My one concern about the name Ainsworth is this: I don't pronounce it very well. My enunciation isn't brilliant generally, and this is just one of those words that doesn't easily come out right. "Ains" is fine, it's the "worth" that gets twisted. I've heard myself saying versions that sound close to Ainsuth, Ainswoof, Ainsvuth, Ainswuss and Ainzuss.

I guess I should work on it, because I'm sure I'm going to saying it a lot for the rest of my lifetime.

Thursday, 29 May 2008

DIY - lesson 1 of 1

Lesson 1: choose your materials carefully.

I am not a natural DIY expert. Here's my latest project: a blackboard for Ainsworth to use in the garden.

I think it went pretty well. Three panels of wood sanded and coated with three coats each of fancy and expensive blackboard paint (magnetic, no less!) carefully attached to two batons and attached to the outside wall. It was fairly level. With no drips. And he loved it.

And then the rain came.

Wood warps when it gets damp. Well, cheap wood does anyway. Badly. And falls off the wall as a result.

Back to the drawing board...

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

The No-Cry Sleep Solution

This is not really a book review, as I've not read the book. But I do believe that The No-Cry Sleep Solution has miraculous powers. And I really mean miraculous.

A friend had recommended it, and eventually I ordered a copy from the library. When it came in I keenly collected it and took it home. And here's where I believe that the book itself has mystical powers: none of us had even opened it. It was, in fact, still in my bag. But that very night Ainsworth slept all the way through. Its very presence in the house was enough.

Well, okay so it didn't last long, but that was a couple of weeks ago and we're really pleased that he has slept very much better over the last few nights. Whether that's because of the book I don't know (I've still not read it and I've no idea how Rachael's getting on with it) but a slight change in the bedtime routine and he seems to be getting the idea at last.

And now we're beginning to have a bit of a battle with food...

Saturday, 24 May 2008


  • The boy is still a bit poorly. His cough has been lingering for over two months now. Doctors have changed their mind as to whether there's an infection or not; currently there is, apparently. We dodn't want him on antibiotics again, which out GP understands, so he's currently on something else to loosen up his airway (but not Ventolin Syrup, which we also wanted to avoid).

  • His signing is coming on and is proving to be a really useful tool. There are moments of confusion, such as when he walks around signing "where?" but we have no idea what he's looking for, but overall it's been a great benefit to understanding each other and I'm very very glad we've done it.

  • Sleeping is still not his favourite pastime.

  • He loves to play "housey" type of games like cooking and playing with a toy tea-set. It's what he sees us doing, I guess. Sometimes he'll sit quietly for ages concentrating hard on sorting things into piles by colour or shape or unspecified criteria, or seeing how many of something he can get into one hand. His concentration levels seem excellent.

  • Our part-time pattern of working - Rachael having him three days a week and me two - is working brilliantly. There are some differences between Daddy Days and Mummy Days (how does she manage to get so much done while she's with him?) but he's developing a relationship with us both as individuals as well as within the family group. So glad we've been able to work things this way. We know several couples who've said they envy us.

  • And much much more.

  • If you've explored the links on this page, you'll have seen that I'm also keeping a separate personal blog, originally about my alleged spiritual life. Well I wasn't posting there much either, so have decided to open that blog up to whatever grabs my attention on any given day. If you're interested, do feel free to pop in for a look. (I'm also using it to see how Wordpress compares with Blogger. So far I can see advantages to both systems.)

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

A welcome break

Hope Park, Keswick.

Just back from a great short holiday in the Lake District celebrating Rachael's Mum's 65th birthday. If you're interested there are plenty more photos here.

Monday, 5 May 2008

All sorts of stuff.

Mums and Dads, eh? What are they like? I've been busy busy busy learning new things and generally being as clever as I can, confident in the knowledge that my Mum and Dad regularly tell the whole world all my exploits by detailing every little thing here, and now I check up on them again and what do I find? Very little. Poor show, Mum and Dad; poor show.

You see, the last few weeks have seen a huge increase in my confidence. My walking, let me tell you, is now super-confident and I like to stay on my feet as much as possible. Until recently I still preferred to crawl if I wanted to get somewhere quickly, but no longer! I am now a man on a mission: to stay upright as much as I can. Unless, of course, I have a particularly tricky obstacle to negotiate.

Stairs are a special kind of obstacle, so I've had to learn a special strategy to manage them, but I'm pleased to report that not only can I crawl up the stairs at super-fast pace, I'm now pretty confident about crawling backwards down them. Mum even leaves the gate open sometimes knowing I'll make my own way down the stairs safely if I really want to. (But she does still keep a close eye on me to check I'm doing it properly.)

Daddy did mention a while ago that I've started to use a few signs to communicate. For some reason I seem to have been born speaking a different language from everyone around me so a few signs are indeed proving useful until I can get them to learn my language. I've recently realised that it might be easier for me to learn their language so I'm trying to copy a few bits of what they say, but my tongue can't quite work out how to do it yet. I'll get there, I'm sure.

Here's a few recent pictures. I'm told there are even more on Daddy's Flickr page.

Here I am taking the sofa to pieces.
I love jumping on the cushions.

Dancing shoes
I loved rocking out to daddy's band at a friend's party!
(That's daddy on the drums, but I was most
interested in all the wires and buttons.)

Scrap Soup
Helping with the cooking is one of my favourite things.
I'm not sure what recipe this was, but mummy gave
me all these bits to use so it must be delicious.

Look how I've grown!
Dad said I used to sleep in this basket and have plenty of
room to roll around. Silly Daddy: baskets don't shrink!

New Recruit
I love to help with the tidying up. Here I am trying
out a new broom at the local garden centre...

...and here I'm tidying the house
after grandma's been for a visit.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Not celebrating just yet...

...But last night he went to sleep and 7:30 and didn't wake until 4:30 this morning.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Friday, 11 April 2008

Poorly boy. But a constant deleight.

Well, we've not been good at updating here, but one of the reasons is that poor Ainsworth has been pretty poorly. Starting with a chest infection before his birthday, he's been on two lots of antibiotics (one for the original infection and some eyedrops to help with some conjunctivitis) and still has a lingering chesty cough (that's been waking him at night) and snotty nose (that's getting sore from having us wipe it all the time. Well, I don't want snot on my jumper, thanks very much). And then he picked up a tummy bug which has had him in what looks like a lot of discomfort and has made for some particularly lovely leaky nappies. We kept him off all food for a whole day and his appetite has returned, but the nappies are only slowly retuning to normal. (And now he's gone and passed the tummy bug on to me, and I tell you it's not pleasant.)

But despite all of this - yes, even the extra disturbed nights - he is a constant source of amazement and delight to us every day. He is learning so much and it's a thrill to see him examine things to work out how they fit together. Or more often come apart. (In fact I got home from work yesterday to find beside my bed that he'd taken the cellophane wrapper off a completely sealed pack of - oh, hang on, perhaps I shouldn't say.)

His walking is slowly becoming more confident and he beams with pride as he wobbles from one place to another. He talks constantly. Such an expressive language he has - it would be lovely to know what he's saying a lot of the time because he clearly has a lot to say and wants us to hear it.

And that brings me to one of my favourite things - he's using an increasing number of signs to really communicate with us. We started Sing and Sign classes when he was only about six months old, and we're about to move up to the stage two class. It's only been recently that he's actually started to use the signs himself, but now he's realised they work he seems to be adding more and more to his repertoire. Off the top of my head, he currently uses the following signs fairly consistently and in an appropriate context

  • milk
  • finished
  • hot
  • monkey
  • elephant (not the official sign
    but one he made up)
  • home
  • up
  • bird
  • dog
  • music
  • bee*
  • cat*
  • cow*
  • rabbit*

(* these last few a only vague approximations, but he's working on them!)

I'm sure there are more - I'll update the list when I think of them. He sees us - especially me - using them much of the time so is beginning to make the connections between the signs, the words, and the objects. And all before he can talk. Well, before he can talk our language, anyway.

Saturday, 5 April 2008

A couple of pics

Hi folks. Here are a couple of recent pictures in lieu of a proper post.

First, select your tractor

Belinda, the Friendly Goat

Digging practice

Ainsworth has been quite poorly with a tummy bug this week and still has a lingering chesty cough that's been with him for about a month, so his sleeping's been all over the place - even more than normal. It's been a tiring week.

Friday, 28 March 2008

It's a small world

Over the last year I've made a few friends online. There's a list on the side of the page so that you can see their blogs if you want to. Well, until this week they've all been kids I've only met online. But something strange has happened. I've never met Pheobe (I only know her because my dad is friends with one her Mum's best friends), but I was reading her blog and on one post there were some photos of her playing with a friend called Charlie. Well, what a surprise I had when I saw them! I know Charlie! She's in my Sing and Sign class. And it turns out that she has a blog all of her own! So now I have a friend online who's also a friend in real life.

That's all I've got time for just now. Next time I promise to tell you a little about my trip to Scotland (in the car!) last weekend, my growing communication expertise, and my continued experiments with walking. Well, I might remember all of those things. (But you might need to remind me if I forget. I'm easily distracted.)

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Advice needed...

Anyone out there got any advice, hints or top tips for successfully administering eye drops to a struggling one-year-old?

Monday, 17 March 2008

These feet were made for walking

Hey everyone - have I got some news for you!

I've been spending a lot of time practicing using my feet lately. Ever since Mum & Dad bought me my toddle truck I've spent a few minutes every day strolling around with it. Okay, so I can only go in one direction, but boy can I pick up some speed when I need to. Well, it had been fun, but to be frank I'd got a little bored with going up and down the sitting room so the time had come to branch out.

So I took my hands off.

And then I put them back on.

And do know what? Nothing dramatic happened in between.

And since then I've experimented with standing. I'd occasionally stand for a few seconds before getting tired - or just a bit wobbly - and quickly sitting down, but over the last few days I've managed to stand for A Very Long Time. And I've worked out how to get up to a stand from a sit - which is pretty clever, let me tell you.

But the really big news is yet to come: yesterday I was standing at the sofa and fancied getting to my new car seat, which was in the sitting room for some reason but just out of reach even when I took my hands of the sofa. Feeling brave, I decided to pick up one foot, move it closer to the car seat, and put it back down again. And then I could reach! Daddy was so pleased he picked me up and ran upstairs to tell Mummy.

So today I thought I should show Mummy what I'd done, and - feeling a lot more confident about it - took five steps across the kitchen floor to reach her.

I feel a sense of freedom coming on!

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

The first year

We've reached Ainsworth's birthday already. Can you believe it?

Softplay cake

I would so love to update our loyal readers (two of you at most, I would guess) with all manner of things, but time has run away with me once again tonight so you'll just have to keep waiting patiently for an update.

Suffice to say, it's been an amazing year.

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Totsgear excel themselves

I wrote about Totsgear last week. Well, the car seat came in one week later, and they phoned to let us know - and delivered it to us the next day. No delivery charge. Amazing.

Monday, 18 February 2008

A true dilemma

I haven't looked up the official definition of 'dilemma', but I'm pretty sure that what we go through at night with Ainsworth is a true dilemma... on the one hand we don't believe leaving him to cry is right and really want to pick him up and cuddle him when he's crying, and on the other, when we know there is nothing wrong and all he wants is to be rocked off to sleep because he can't get himself back off, what should we do?

We've tried 'pick-up, put-down', we've tried rocking him off to sleep, we've tried leaving him, we've recorded every wake-up and looked for patterns, we've screwed ourselves up in emotional knots trying to do the right thing, but still he wakes frequently and sometimes takes up to an hour and a half to resettle - which is very frustrating at 2am.

Then last week, after 80 minutes of trying to settle him, we left him to cry. It was horrid, but it seemed like there was nothing else to do. Does the saying 'cruel to be kind' ring true here? I don't know. What I do know is that after leaving him a few times (and it takes about 45 minutes from mega-screams to whinging to sleep) he does seem to be getting better at settling himself back to sleep. He did it twice the other night and only cried for 10 minutes last night after I left him.

I always go through to him when he cries, but I'm trying to be perfunctory - change his nappy, offer water, brief cuddle - and not stay very long so he gets the message that waking at night is not on. I do hope he's not made less secure as a result of being left alone at night. I do hope he knows we love him and are there for him when he really needs us. But it must be very confusing for him and I wish I knew what the right thing to do was... but then I guess a lot of parenting is like that.

Sunday, 17 February 2008

An advertisement...

This isn't really the place for advertising or promotion, but we were so impressed with our local independent nursery shop this weekend that I thought I should tell the world.

We'd just started wondering what Ainsworth's next car seat would be, and had seen an advert for the Bebe Confort Axiss. We immediately thought we'd found what we were looking for, but needed, of course, to check it works in our car. Our local Mothercare didn't have one in stock, so while we were out and about yesterday we popped in to Totsgear, a small, friendly, family-run store in Hitchin which we already knew because it's where we'd bought his Bugaboo.

Well, they had an Axiss on display, and they showed us how it worked. We asked about trying it in our car (which, at that moment, was parked on the other side of town) and it turns out that they come to your house to do it. What's more he could come the very next day (ie, today. Yes, that's Sunday morning). Sure enough, this morning at ten o'clock on the dot, as arranged, the Totsgear van pulled up outside carrying their demo Axiss (and a few alternatives), and the proprietor put it in the car for us, checked it fitted correctly, and showed us how to do it.

We placed an order there and then and it'll be with us within two weeks.

And the really amazing thing? There's no charge for the home fitting, and - despite such brilliant personal service - the car seat is costing us less than anywhere I've found online.

Now that's what I call a shop.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

999 emergency

Someone in the house phoned 999 this morning.

I'll give you a clue: it wasn't me, and it wasn't Rachael.

Monday, 28 January 2008

New timetable

Remember I told you about my funny week? Well it's happened three times now and shows every sign of continuing. The biggest clue, apart from the smile on Daddy's face, is the new timetable that's appeared on my bedroom door. Mummy or Daddy show it to me every day to help me keep track of what type of day it is. There are "Mummy Days", "Daddy Days" and - best of all - "Mummy and Daddy Days".

My week

We had a really good Mummy and Daddy day this weekend, when we went to visit a small zoo not far from here. There were tigers and ponies and and lemurs and donkeys and parrots and pigs and lions and fish and bats and GIANT
guinea pigs and snakes and raccoons and goats and lots of other animals. Oh, and a llama who kept aiming his sneezes at me. Daddy ran away to keep us safe. My favorites were the macaws. They were talking to me so I tried to talk back. I need to practice my macaw noises though because I don't think they understood me. The goats were shouting at each other as well and that made me laugh.

Feeding ponies
Mummy and me feeding a pony

There was also a huge ball pool and not many people there so I had it all to myself for ages, which gave Mum and dad the chance to eat their sandwiches.

How many balls?!

I've just read what Daddy's been saying about me. It's true I did use my potty a few times, but I think Daddy was a bit too proud (and why should he be proud when it's me that's being clever) so let me tell you I've decided very definitely not to use it since then. I am not sitting on the thing. No. I. Am. Not.

Anyway, I must go and get some sleep now - I think I've got a Daddy day coming up and I want lots of energy to keep him busy.

Busy Schedule
Planning my next special day

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Ten-month (and a bit) progress report

I keep thinking about things I should post here, and then they slip my mind or time passes, and I end up thinking that a post covering everything would be far too long. So here's a few highlights off the top of my head...
  • Food
    Since he's been on solids, virtually all his food has been made by us (okay: mostly Rachael), almost exclusively from one of Annabel Karmel's recipe books. We tend to give him some finger food (bread, rusk) and spoon the rest in ourselves. Just recently he's started to push our hands away even though he's hungry; he wants to feed himself rather than be fed like a baby. We've started giving him a spoon and are keeping a very close eye on what's going on. Things are starting to get messy!

  • Movement
    He's now developed a really good proper crawl, on hands and knees. At first he'd get up on his hands and knees but drop to elbows and tummy to get anywhere, but now he's really going for it. He's been pulling himself up to his feet for a while, and now cruises around the furniture fairly well, although our sofa arms are too high for him to get past so he gets a bit stuck. We bought him a "Toddle Truck" - one of those old-fashioned trays full of building blocks with wheels and a handle - thinking he'd play with the bricks for now and use it to walk later. On day one he was happy walking along with it while we held it (to stop it rolling away too quickly), but the next day he pulled himself up on it and promptly walked across the room without any help at all. And, boy, did he look pleased with himself! He's also - once only - stood entirely unsupported for about 20-30 seconds; We really couldn't believe our eyes.

  • Sleep
    Now here's an area where we really needed to see some progress, so I'm very pleased to say we're beginning to. Rachael had been keeping records of every time he woke and for how long, to see if we could identify a pattern. Sure enough, we decided much of his waking was not out of discomfort, hunger, wind, teeth, or anything else we could think of, so it must have been simply habitual. So we changed our strategy again (settle him in the cot and only pick him up if absolutely necessary) and after a fairly short time the wakes have become shorter and now less frequent. We've even had a few "through the nights" which is fantastic.

  • Other physical development
    He has two teeth, and still very little hair. Everyone tells us how beautiful he is, and we agree with them. The potty has been an astonishing success: we does a wee in it most days, and has even done a poo in it several times. We're keeping quiet about that in case it sounds too boastful! And today he had an eye test because we thought we'd seen a bit of a squint in one eye, but he passed with flying colours, picking out faint shapes on the paper that usually defeat older babies. The last one I couldn't see without my glasses!
I'm sure there is much more to tell, but I started by saying I didn't want the post to be too long, so I shall stop here.

Sunday, 13 January 2008

A different kind of week

Something funny happened this week, and I think I quite liked it - although I was a bit confused at first. It started on Tuesday morning: when I woke up, Mummy gave me my milk as normal but then she went out to work and left me to look after Daddy by myself until it was nearly my bath time. I had to explain to him what we like to do on a Tuesday, and he must have understood because after breakfast he took me to the library where I meet up with a group for some singing. I was pretty tired after that so I got Daddy to walk me around in my pram for an hour and a half. I find the movement helps me to sleep, but I think he might have stopped for a coffee at some point. We spent the afternoon playing at home and I practiced walking with my new toddle-truck. I surprised everyone last week by pulling myself up on it and strolling right across the room without anyone's help.

Mummy was very pleased to see me when she finally came home, so I gave her an extra-big cuddle on the sofa. She looked like she needed it.

If I thought Tuesday was odd, though, you should hear what happened on Wednesday: I woke up and Mummy had already gone out! I called out for Daddy, and he had to give me my milk and my breakfast. We went out shopping in the morning (some people might think that's pretty boring, but I quite enjoy it because there's always lots of interesting stuff to look at), but because Daddy wanted to get back in the car to come home we had lunch at a funny time and I didn't really feel very hungry. It was okay though, because in the afternoon I took daddy along to
Sing and Sign with some of my best friends. (I haven't really got the hang of any of the signs yet, but I do like to point at things and have lately started to clap and wave, too.) I slept in the car after that, and then my supper was late.

After all the confusion it was good to wake up on Thursday and find things back to normal. I wonder what will happen this week?

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Photos - and a video!

I've neglected Ainsworth's photo site lately, and hadn't uploaded any new shots for the whole of December. Finally I've taken some time out to get things up to date. Here's a link to the site, and here's one to a slideshow of the December shots.

Way back in April I mentioned that we'd put together a video for the grandmas to enjoy. Well, we've continued with that and have done five videos so far, the latest of which was given as an extra Christmas present. When I get around to it, I'll put them on so you can watch them here if you feel so inclined, but there is one short extract of Ainsworth and his Grandma that I just had to share. It makes us smile so much every time we watch it. Make sure your volume is turned up...